Looking To Add Garage Floor Epoxy In 2023? Avoid Cold Weather Complications

The winter of 2022 has proven to be one for the record books. Extreme cold temperatures and dangerous weather has created a variety of unforeseen challenges with nearly every industry – including epoxy flooring installation. 

While installing garage floor epoxy in 2023 may be at the top of your list – and for a variety of good reasons – the low temperatures must be taken into consideration when planning when and how to apply your new epoxy flooring.

Here are some of the key considerations you should keep in mind when you are applying an epoxy coating to your garage during the cold weather of early 2023:

Expect Slight Delays In Shipping, Transit, and Install

The cold weather can cause delays in the delivery and application of your new garage floor epoxy.

Work closely with your epoxy sales or contractor to get a clear idea of the expected installation timeline. Depending on the weather conditions, some contractors and transit facility storage areas may have to delay the delivery and installation of garage epoxy floors as products can be at risk of freezing.

Cold Epoxy Coatings Need Warm Storage

Your epoxy installation expert will never store their epoxy coating supplies at a temperature at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or below. The extreme cold weather can damage the epoxy chemicals and cause irreversible damage.

At cold temperatures over prolonged periods of time, epoxy may go through a process known as “crystallization.”

If the epoxy is applied with un-crystalizing, the floor installation will often go down incorrectly or damaged – leading to a “failed floor installation.” This can be costly, and make the process of installing a new epoxy floor to your garage even more difficult.

As always, work closely with an epoxy installation expert to ensure that you are working within the proper temperatures for your materials.

Cold Weather Garage Epoxy Cure Times

With colder temperatures, it will take an increased amount of time for your garage epoxy floor to cure. Once cured, you can resume normal use of your garage floor without worry of damaging the floor.

Every garage floor epoxy installation expert will offer a guide for how long the epoxy must cure. In general, it is vital to know the cure time schedule for your unique epoxy solution, as well as the current outdoor and indoor temperatures at the time of epoxy installation.

  • 40 Degrees or Below: 10-30 Hours Cure Time
  • 50 Degrees: 5-16 Hours Cure Time
  • 60 Degrees: 4-10 Hours Cure Time
  • 70 Degrees or Above: 3-5 Hours Cure Time


Knowing the temperature and cure time expectations for your new garage floor epoxy can help you plan ahead. If you are working around a short schedule, you may want to work closely with your epoxy installation expert to ensure that you have worked through every detail. Some epoxy installations have a quick-cure scheme that can help in extreme conditions.

Avoid The Wet Winter Weather

As your epoxy floor coating cures, it is essential to avoid any contact with moisture. This can include both the wet winter weather that can begin unexpectedly, as well as the liquid that may come from machinery or foot traffic.

Avoid power washing or scrubbing your floors with water during the first week post-cure, and try to keep any rain, ice, or snow away from your new garage epoxy floors.

Bring Home Garage Floor Epoxy In 2023

Don’t let the cold weather keep you from installing the garage floor epoxy of your dreams. With a trained and experienced epoxy flooring installation team, you can move forward and take advantage of the benefits of epoxy flooring without fear.

Garage floor epoxy solutions offer a long-lasting flooring renovation that can be customized to meet any unique need or desire – and will make your garage floor the envy of the neighborhood!

Want to learn more about garage epoxy flooring, and how you can bring this incredible solution to your home this winter?

Contact a professional epoxy installation contractor today to discuss how a trained and licensed epoxy installation team can help you with your garage flooring solution – no matter the weather.

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